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- Payment and registration methods
Online payment | Payment by bank transfer |
To pay online, please go to the following address and follow the requested instructions: |
To make a bank transfer, please complete the registration form (download form) and return it to the following address: |
- Deadlines of registration
Description | From March 15th to May 31st, 2016 | From June 1st to August 31st, 2016 |
Research Professors | 120 € | 170 € |
Students / Others | 80 € | 170 € |
Após o pagamento da inscrição via transferência bancária ou online, o formulário de inscrição e o recibo devem ser enviados ao e-mail do evento (
Aqueles que optam por por fazer transferência bancária precisam preencher o formulário, fazer o pagamento no banco levando os dados bancários IBAN da conta do evento e depois enviar o formulário para o e-mail indicado no formulário.
Pre-registration does not guarantee the enrollment. For your registration be effective, it is necessary to make the payment (online or via bank transfer).